Double Down by Leo Smetsers

Double Down by Leo Smetsers is the perfect addition to any Bunko set. With Double Down, Leo has combined two classic scams the board monte and Fast & Loose. Each one of the effects may be performed separately or perform them together to create a 6-minute Bunko act.

PredictOSong by Sachin.K.M

A random Spectator puts on a headphone and plays his favourite song on youtube. The Mentalist not only gets it right but also pulls a prediction with the name of the random spectator and the song he would play from inside his shoes.

Alphanumeric Deck by Juan Pablo

ALPHANUMERIC DECK is a deck designed especially for mentalism magic. This deck will allow you to perform three very powerful mentalism effects that you can present separately or if you prefer you can combine the three effects to create a very powerful routine. The first of the three mentalism effects is the most incredible

 TAKAAN:The Any Kard At Any Number by Steve Gore

TAKAAN The Any Kard At Any Number! Feel like a REAL magician! At last, the real ANY card at ANY Number, with your regular deck... But EASY... with NO Memory work or Mental Arithmetic! You may be thinking, Does the magic world really need another ACAAN? Yes it does! For magicians like me, with a bad memory, not very good at mental maths,

Readings & Intuition Workshop by Anthem Flint

Enjoy this replay of our Readings and Intuition workshop! Over three hours of Grade- A information on this enigmatic topic! It includes our Visualizations and Affirmations for intuition which have been getting amazing feedback from the attendees!

The Faraday Pad by Infinity & TCC

Produced by D. We are proud to introduce you our new brand today: Infinity. Infinity is a sub-brand by TCC Magic. Infinity is a brand-new technology magic brand full of exploration and breakthroughs.

Grandma’s Miracle by TCC Magic & Chen Yang

Grandmother's Necklace is a classic magic trick that has fascinated audiences for over 400 years, dating back to the Middle Ages. The magician presents two ropes and three beads, inviting the audience to thread the ropes through the beads. The audience holds the beads,