Forecast by Craig Petty

What do the world's top 1% of card magicians and mentalists have in common? They have INSTANT recall of the position of ANY card in a memorized deck!

Henry Evans – Oil and Water With Boxes

The effect starts when the magician shows six boxes, three standard red boxes and three standard blue ones, these ones get intercalated one by one per color, getting magically separated by colors with just a simple movement.

The Vault – Rope with Hole 2.0 by Dingding

An impossible penetration effect! Show a playing card with three holes punched through it. You tie a string through the hole on the end. It instantly jumps to the hole on the opposite end. Just when the audience thinks they have it figured out and that you just turned the card over.

Chop by Craig Petty

Holy cow.. I just got a my dvd of CHOP.. wow.. what a routine.. so well thought out.. a tour de force if there ever was one....Huzzah Mr Petty.. This is a gem." - Doc Eason

Approaching Coin Magic Vol 1 by Pipo Villanueva

Approaching Coin Magic is a project that aims to fill a gap in coin magic learning. With all the reason in the world coin magic has earned a reputation of being unfriendly to start with. As a matter of fact, it is a nonstarter for many, even skilled full cardicians. Make no mistake both card magic

Snack Chap by Marcos Cruz

Marcos Cruz presents a fantastic effect with two Pringles tubes. SNACK CHAP is not only easy to perform, but we also designed it to adapt to many situations: it is simple and convenient to use.

Bottle by Perseus Arkomanis

There's something undeniably romantic about tossing a message into the ocean and seeing to whom fate - abetted by the currents and wind - might deliver the marine missive.

Bandwidth:Talking Sense by John Bannon

A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD – Talking Sense is one of the most insanely impossible self working tricks we have EVER seen! You literally never see or touch the cards. The spectator shuffles their own deck.