Safe Bet by Pablo Amira

Safe Bet is not only a "named card in wallet" that you WILL use, but is a mini course in communicational skills for mystery performers. Imagine using a simple procedure, in which your participant will feel that his choices were 100% free, still you are able to predict his final decision.

Fugitive by Bachi Ortiz

A card magically escapes! If you are looking for practical and powerful magic, this is for you! Your spectators will not believe what they are seeing.

Follow the Silver by Tango

This is a NEW Silver Copper Brass Transposition version in half dollar waking liberty size. We make a beautiful line of walking liberty replicas, in brass, copper and silver color.

The Hoff by Josh Burch

"A super clever take on a classic plot. A hands-hoff handling of the ace problem that’s definitely worth checking out." - Sebastian Midtvage

The Vault – Fusion Coins by Alex Soza

Vortex Magic presents FUSION COINS by Alex Soza Alex Soza is quickly becoming an underground sensation with his innovative and practical coin magic. In this download you will learn some of his favorite routines:

Back to Hand by Bacon Fire

"This effect fooled me so badly! And the method too, Bacon is on fire!" - Dr. Cyril Thomas A visual rubber band opening you've like you have never seen!

Master Gag Prediction by Smayfer

We have change the miracle of predictions. Imagine having a prediction where the public is always seeing it and everything they said is written. In addition, this routine has been designed to be fun and increase the climax with a magical effect.