Category Masterclass

Mario Marchese Masterclass Live

Mario "The Maker Magician" Marchese is an award-winning performer, lecturer and creator that has toured around the world sharing his unique brand of magic. Known for his "maker" skills and distinct "Punk Rock" style, Mario is a master of pushing the boundaries of innovation. He has appeared on countless national television shows from Sesame Street to HGTV.

Harapan Ong Masterclass Live week 1-2+Zoom

Harapan Ong Masterclass Live week 1-2+zoom We're proud to announce Harapan Ong will join us for a Masterclass Live FILLED with new and unpublished material. Since the publication of his smash debut Principia, Harapan has been at the cusp of cutting edge card magic. He has a balanced mix of technically demanding magic and really simple, deceptive card magic.