Influence by Mickael Chatelain

Influence by Mickael Chatelain Can we or can we not influence things, events, or decisions? After participating in this demonstration, your spectators will no doubt have their answer... A red-backed card is placed face down in the middle of the table. A spectator will be invited to turn over the card at the end of your demonstration. You will not touch the card again.
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Narcissus by Chris Philpott

Narcissus by Chris Philpott "It's friggin' brilliant! Particularly Unhypnotized - wow! I mean, that is what the mystery arts should be about. Narcissus brings the 100th Monkey principle into a whole new and incredibly useful realm. It includes some serious powerhouses, from the expletive-inducing to the quietly moving, possibly even transformative. Come for the wicked cool principle, stay for the powerful ways you can use this to affect your audience." - Joshua Quinn
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