2021 Jumbo Cap by Magic Action – Free Download

Ever thought of all the magical effects that you can do with a bottle cap? Well, bust out a Jumbo Cap! This is the perfect opener for bar tricks. Instead of a Jumbo Coin for coin routines, we present to you the Jumbo Cap! Now you can bring your coin routine into the bar using bottle caps! Makes sense, yes?

2021 FLAVOR 3D by Marcos Cruz – Free Download

Display a printed flyer of the best-selling appetizer ever and visually bring it to life! We present you FLAVOR 3D, a trick that allows you to surprise your audience by showing a flat figure and then take it to the third dimension, Marcos shows you different ways to do it for social networks or live audiences.

2021 Packet Trick Fooler Collection by Joseph B – Free Download

This is a collection of packet trick. All the effects have a surprising impact on the spectator because they are full of twists. As you can see from the performances they are very visual with many color change. Some can be made with a regular deck of cards, others require some gaff cards, which are easy to find.

2021 Donna Zuckerbrot – Tarot – Free Download

Much more than a popular form of fortune telling, some say that a great and ancient wisdom is hidden in the mysterious images of the Tarot deck. In some circles, they are thought to be the sole surviving "book" from the great fire that burned the libraries of ancient Egypt.