Influence by Mickael Chatelain

Influence by Mickael Chatelain Can we or can we not influence things, events, or decisions? After participating in this demonstration, your spectators will no doubt have their answer... A red-backed card is placed face down in the middle of the table. A spectator will be invited to turn over the card at the end of your demonstration. You will not touch the card again.

Fred by Any Other Name by John Bannon

Fred by Any Other Name by John Bannon "You'll use this for the rest of your life." -John Bannon "What can I say...It's from John Bannon, it's quick, it kills, doesn't require any difficult moves, doesn't require a table and it blows the spectator away. Q.E.D." -Patrick Barry

Breaking Point by Johannes Mengel

Breaking Point by Johannes Mengel Perform BELIEVABLE magic and create true ASTONISHMENT anywhere at any time! "I laughed out-loud during the trailer, and the smile never left my face. Now I just need to convince you to teach me the secret... I hope there's a secret.” – Maxwell Murphy, co-founder of Penguin Magic