In Your Face Coin Bend by Oscar Melend – Free Download

This is a very practical coin bending routine for the real world performer. Forget about spending hundreds of dollars on expensive gimmicks, filling once again your pockets with very weird and hard to handle stuff, and still not being able to perform a visual coin bend. This is a super simple and practical approach to it. Very low budget, but still highly visual and straight forward. Great reactions guaranteed.

You can take a borrowed coin from your spectator and have it seemingly melt just at your fingertips on a very fair and open way. Visual, simple and straight forward. No weird moves. Fits all the styles. Make it yours and use your own plot.

Also, it has been designed to be performed at chest level, which has many advantages for both, the magician and the spectators.

At the end, you can either leave your spectator with an impossible souvenir… or even restore the coin back and leave him with an impossible remembrance.

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