Category Others

Chameleon by Marcos Cruz

Chameleon by Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz presents his new visual and surprising effect. Easy to transport and ready to use. Imagine holding a blue Halls package (mentho lyptus) from your pocket and visually it transforms into a black package (strong lyptus). Then it visually transforms into a red package (lyptus cherry) and finally ends up in a purple package (blueberry lyptus) that you can show your astonished audience. A literal explosion of color and flavor.

Da Ortiz And Water by Dani da Ortiz

Da Ortiz And Water by Dani da Ortiz The Spanish Sensation Dani DaOrtiz has done it again with "DaOrtiz and Water". This is a quick, very powerful oil and water that is completely self working, happens in the SPECTATOR HANDS and ends with a FULL DECK SEPARATION!!!! Sound amazing? That's probably because it IS. But don't take our word for it, download it today and find out for yourself!

HONEY JASMIT – Beyond senses

HONEY JASMIT - Beyond senses Did you always wanted to perform a mindblowing card trick , any where, any time, and with any borrowed deck ? Then your search ends here.

Intuition ACAAN by Brad Ballew

Intuition ACAAN by Brad Ballew Intuition ACAAN is a new approach to a classic plot. It provides a very relevant and personal experience for the spectator that is missing in many ACAAN effects. The spectator freely selects a suit and 3 random single digit numbers. The first two numbers become a position in the deck while the third number is used as the card value. Without touching the deck, the spectator counts down to find their card at the chosen position.

Edo Huang – Membership Series

Edo Huang - Membership Series What's inside: Edo Huang - Membership Series - INDICATOR SANDWICH Edo Huang - Membership Series - 4 IN 1 TRANSPO Edo Huang - Membership Series - CASTROL&FIJI Edo Huang - Membership Series - FAN Tasy Edo Huang - Membership Series - TC TRANSPO

Volunteer Swindler by Hiro Sakai&Mark Mason

Volunteer Swindler by Hiro Sakai&Mark Mason Two bills are displayed, a regular bill, and a bill with a slit in the center. Both bills are placed into your wallet. You explain that whenever you are in a store or a bar and the check is , you always pay using only the bill, with the slit in it.